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Jesus Our Saviour From Sin

Jesus Our Savior from Sin is a compelling compilation of Bible verses and insights from Ellen G. White, skillfully organized to profoundly impact readers and enhance their spiritual journey. This jewel of Christological portrays Jesus in the fullness of His character, highlighting His exemplary life, sacrificial work, and role as a heavenly high priest. The book emphasizes the biblical truth that Jesus came to save people from their sins, not in their sins. It serves as a wake-up call for those relying on a false gospel, stressing that clinging to sin hinders entry to heaven. With a call to prayerful reflection, this work nourishes the soul, strengthening the faith of those seeking a deeper understanding of the Savior, portraying Jesus as a God of love and justice who provides redemption and empowerment to overcome sin's pitfalls and prepare for the heavenly kingdom. Margaraet DavisĀ  PB 266 pg




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