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8 Laws To A Better Longer Life DVD

8LAW1-D 8 Laws To A Better Longer Life DVD

Good health doesn't have to be a confusing, painful experience. In fact, it is possible to obtain it simply and naturally. Think of this as your prescription to a happier, healthier life. Just as there are scientific laws that govern the universe, there are natural laws that govern nearly all aspects of health. Did you know that by making certain lifestyle choices we have the ability to take control of our health and literally add years to our lives? Each one of these 8 simple health laws has been scientifically proven to increase health, longevity, and quality of life. Includes 1 hours of bonus videos including excerpts from Cooking 101, Cooking Demonstrations, Ask the Doctor and practical information on current health issues. Randy Bivens, MD. Time: 2 hours




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